Artemin 是坐落於人類一號染色體上(1p34.1)的一個基因,簡寫為 ART,功能主要跟神經元母細胞(neuroblast cell)的發育,周邊神經系統的發展有關。
Artemin gallery 創立於2020年,品牌以其為名,期望自身對於藝術的感知有如神經傳導般的敏銳與快速,並致力於尋找生活中每刻光景與藝術的連結,找尋潛力藝術家,發現當代藝術的無限可能。
Artemin is a human gene located on the human chromosome 1 (1p34.1), so called as ART. Its main function is related to the development of neuroblast and the peripheral nervous system.
Artemin Gallery was founded in 2020, and our name was inspired by the gene, aims to have a keen and rapid perception of art, similar to the transmission of nerves. We committed to discovering the connection between art and everyday life, searching for potential artists, and exploring the infinite possibilities of contemporary art.